The poems by Russell Kelfer in this book are listed by the sections in the book. Within each section, you may click a title to view it and/or listen to Russell read it.

(NOTE: Some poems were never spoken on tape by Russell, so we have no audio for them. Also, Russell didn’t always speak the poem exactly as he wrote it. The text follows what is in the book.)

Section 1: Follow Me! My Ways Are Higher

Follow Me! (p. 5)

And It Is Christmas (p. 11)

A Teacher of Angels (p. 13)

But A Few Feet Apart (p. 14)

God’s Ark (p. 17)

God’s Only Plan (p. 19)

Have You Considered My Servant? (p. 21)

If It Be So, Then Why? (p. 23)

In All Thy Ways Acknowledge Him (p. 25)

Let This Mind Be in You (p. 27)

Miracles (p. 29)

Moment of Truth (p. 30)

Not I (p. 33)

Pray the More (p. 35)

Satan and Success (p. 37)

The Way of Escape (p. 38)

Satan’s Greatest Disappointment (p. 39)

The Battle Is Not Yours (p. 40)

The Blessing of Weakness (p. 43)

The Grandeur of God’s Perspective (p. 45)

The Melody of Love (p. 47)

The Message of the Storm (p. 49)

Wait (p. 50)

What If I Am Just a Failure? (p. 52)

When Last Did You Visit the Hill? (p. 55)

When the Heavens Appear to Be Silent (p. 57)

Why God Chose Me (p. 58)

Why Me? Why Me? (p. 61)

Section 2: Follow Me! My Will is Good, Acceptable, and Perfect

Appointment Denied (p. 65)

Be Faithful, My Child, Be Faithful (p. 66)

Don’t Cry! (p. 69)

God’s Desire for Us (p. 71)

It’s Never Too Late, Beloved (p. 73)

Let the Word Decide (p. 75)

Make Me Correctable (p. 77)

The Giants Still Fall (p. 79)

The Mornings of Life (p. 81)

Thus Did Noah (p. 85)

Tiny Sparks (p. 87)

Tomorrow (p. 89)

Whatever It Takes! (p. 91)

When You’ve Forgiven! (p. 93)

Where Has All the Love Gone? (p. 95)

Section 3: Follow Me! There’s a Place Very Near to My Heart

How Would You Like to Take a Week? (p. 99)

In Jesus’ Name, Amen (p. 101)

Near His Heart (p. 103)

Oh, Dear God, They Fell Asleep (p. 105)

The Deeper Valley (p. 106)

The Glory of His Presence (p. 108)

What Needeth God? (p. 111)

What Shall I Give Thee? (p. 113)

Would You Like to Please the Heart of God? (p. 115)

A Grand Reunion Coming (p. 119)

And Every Eye Shall See Him (p. 121)

Here Comes the Bride! (p. 123)

In the Twinkling of an Eye (p. 125)

That Will Be Glory for Me (p. 127)

The Bema Seat of Christ (p. 128)

The King Is Coming! (p. 130)

Welcome Home, Mr. Ambassador (p. 133)