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Storms are raging, floods are rising. What perilous times we are in! Is there no refuge from agony? Is there no shelter from sin?
Will the tumult o’ertake us, Trapped as though no one cared? Or in His arms is there refuge, Safe in the ark He’s prepared?
Beloved, that ark is Jesus, The one who controls the peace; The one who can speak to the storm clouds, And cause the winds raging to cease.
Yet oft’ He speaks not to the storm clouds To silence their clamor and power, But rather, He takes us within His Ark And calls us to rest in that hour.
So do not be bitter at storms, my friend, For the rainbow its message will tell. God granted mercy to faithful Noah, And He’ll grant us mercy as well.
Rest on the waters, oh child of the King. Rest, for His message is true. Till the waters subside, (and they always do) God will take care of you.
He’ll feed you; He’ll teach you; He’ll love you; He’ll lead you through caverns quite dark, And bring you back to the mountain’s peak, Sheltered and safe in His ark.
Rest, blessed Christian, even in the storm As the billows flood over your soul. Rest, blessed Christian; you’re safe in the Ark, And the Captain’s in perfect control.