And Every Eye Shall See Him
by Russell Kelfer
Use the “Play” ► button above to listen to the poem:
Yes, every eye shall see Him
When He returns in power.
Not an eye will miss His coming
In that soon unfolding hour!
Some will view His victory
Paralyzed through eyes of fear,
As the veil is lifted, showing
That the judgement time is near.
All their works they’ll see as worthless,
All their lives but as a sham;
All the world will be in terror –
Those who’ve not beheld the Lamb.
All the weeping, all the anguish,
As man sees he’s made a choice;
Choosing not to take God’s mercy,
Now condemned, he hears His voice.
Yes, every eye shall see Him,
And as Judge, He’ll bring but fright.
Yet, the eye of those who know Him
Will see such a different sight.
As in glory, He’s descending,
All His saints in power to bring,
Every eye that thus beholds Him
Will shout — “Here Comes The King!”
Coming now to conquer evil;
Coming now in love to reign;
Coming now to gather by Him
All who’ve ever named His name.
One way, every eye will see Him –
King or Judge, what will it be?
As He comes, you too, will see Him.
I must ask – what will you see?
It is not too late, Beloved.
You can still be cleansed of sin.
You can still behold the King of Kings
When Jesus comes again.
Ask Him now to be your Savior.
He has vowed, He’ll leave you never.
And you shall see Him as He is,
Forever and forever.
DTM Discipleship Tape Ministries
POB 782256, San Antonio, TX 78278
1-800-375-7778 or 210-226-0000 • • © Russell Kelfer