Use the “Play” ► button above to listen to the poem:
Get all excited; the King is coming. On clouds of great Glory He’ll come. He’ll seize and destroy all the hosts that oppose, And once and for all ’twill be done!
Ah, but first our blessed Lord must come To draw us to heaven to be Forever and ever by His precious side; Oh, that will be glory for me!
We’ll worship before His Bema Seat, Where, there in the light of His power, We can cast at His feet all the crowns we’ve received. What glory there’ll be in that hour!
Then, here comes the bride! (clothed in garments of white) Ne’er again will we e’er be alone, For we’ll as His bride, be fore’er by His side. Such joy we will never have known.
Then, praise God, as King He will come; Into earth’s Armageddon He’ll ride. And as Israel’s enemies fall in defeat, What Glory! (We’ll be by His side.)
Then comes millennium, 1,000 years When Jesus in power will rule on. Until at the end, after one final fling, Satan at last will be gone.
And lo, out of heaven with majesty crowned, What awe we will feel as we see The New Jerusalem come down from God. Oh, that will be glory for me!
That will be glory, praise God, what a day, When all we have longed for comes true. And Beloved, if you are a Christian, It will also be glory for you!
But if you don’t belong to the Master, Right now, you can say to God’s Son: “Come into my heart, Lord Jesus.” And then, “Lord Jesus, come!”