Let the Word Decide

by Russell Kelfer

Use the “Play” ► button above to listen to the poem:

Let the Word, decide, Beloved;
Let the Living Word decide.
Not the winds of chance that flutter,
Nor the peace you feel inside.

Are you struggling as a Christian
Some decisive choice to make?
Is there yet that cloud of mystery
O’er which road you ought to take?

Let the Word decide, Beloved;
Let God’s Word decide for you.
Let the Scripture be your searchlight;
Every word it speaks is true.

Every word it speaks is perfect;
Every word is God’s own voice.
Every single word’s eternal;
You can trust its every choice.

Let the Word decide, Beloved;
Take the Word for what it is:
It’s the very Word of Jesus,
Every syllable is His.

It will give your life direction;
It will speak to your own heart.
It will tell you by God’s Spirit
When to stop, and when to start.

Let the Word decide, Beloved,
It’s as current as the news.
Use the Word, and let God’s Spirit
Lead you every time you choose.

DTM Discipleship Tape Ministries
POB 782256, San Antonio, TX 78278
1-800-375-7778 or 210-226-0000
www.dtm.org • dtm@dtm.org • © Russell Kelfer