
by Russell Kelfer

Use the “Play” ► button above to listen to the poem:

Our God is a God of miracles,
Miracles large and small.
Some seem insignificant,
Yet these are best of all.

He can part the sea for you
And make it dry instead.
And He who wept at Lazarus’ grave
Can surely raise the dead.

But those are not the miracles
That change our lives each day.
Those miracles are those that God
Lets happen “by the way.”

The little things: the answered prayers,
The check the mailman brings,
The times we pray for comfort and
Just then the doorbell rings.

These, too, are miracles from God
Through which He says to you,
“There’s nothing I don’t care about
And nothing I can’t do.”

DTM Discipleship Tape Ministries
POB 782256, San Antonio, TX 78278
1-800-375-7778 or 210-226-0000
www.dtm.org • dtm@dtm.org • © Russell Kelfer