God’s Desire for Us

by Russell Kelfer

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I prayed for a task that was noble and grand;
(He placed but menial tasks in my hand.)
I prayed that the spotlight would fall upon me;
But He placed me ‘neath shade trees where none else could see.

I prayed for more riches to spend and to share;
He met all my needs, yet with nothing to spare.
I wanted acceptance, to be loved and received;
I found misunderstandings and oft’ became grieved.

So I cried out to God in my anger one night,
I wept and I argued — “Have I not the right?
To ask and receive, to seek and to find,
To gain the world’s riches — to win the world’s mind?”

But He answered, “My son — I’ve heard every prayer.
You’re seeking for riches and riches are there.
But, oh child, My burden, when your life is spent,
Is not what you’ve done, but were you content?

Content with riches, if riches were best,
And yet more in poverty — able to rest.
Content with the role wherein lies no acclaim
That others in wonder would honor My Name.

Content in that place under pressure so real,
Content ‘neath a load others seem not to feel.
Content with that person, content with that call,
Content when the world offers nothing at all.

Contentment that’s based on a love that is free,
A desire to become what I want you to be.
A life that is satisfied, rested complete,
Simply content to be found at My feet.

I’ll not leave you My child, in the midst of your tasks,
Nor will I forsake you — what more could you ask?
So rest in contentment, cease all your strife,
And I will supply all the needs of your life.”

DTM Discipleship Tape Ministries
POB 782256, San Antonio, TX 78278
1-800-375-7778 or 210-226-0000
www.dtm.org • dtm@dtm.org • © Russell Kelfer