A Teacher of Angels

by Russell Kelfer

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The angels in heaven continually serve
And worship beneath God’s throne.
They minister daily to God Himself,
And they minister to His own.

They sing and rejoice whenever one
Responds to the Gospel’s call,
And eagerly, watchfully, they await
His coming to take us all.

But the angels are also learning,
Learning from you and from me;
Learning the power and wisdom of God,
As Christ in us they see.

For they’ve not experienced sin themselves,
And though daily they gaze on His face,
Still never has ever an angel himself
Experienced God’s saving grace.

They marvel at all our suffering,
And His glory through it all.
They marvel at hunger, rejection and pain,
And that it’s a part of God’s call.

They marvel at age, at time, at birth.
They marvel at sin’s deep stain.
They marvel at death, but in awe they believe
That the saints will rise again.

They marvel at every wedding;
Two people becoming one.
They view it in wonder while waiting
For that wedding feast to come.

So you are a teacher of angels,
And they marvel at every test.
They learn of God as you rejoice,
And through suffering, learn to rest.

Yes, you are a teacher of angels,
Though one day o’er them you will rule.
Today, you’re a teacher of angels,
And the life that you live is their school.

DTM Discipleship Tape Ministries
POB 782256, San Antonio, TX 78278
1-800-375-7778 or 210-226-0000
www.dtm.org • dtm@dtm.org • © Russell Kelfer