The Mornings of Life

by Russell Kelfer

(There is no audio for this poem.)

The mornings of life are meant for God,
As His “Son” breaks through the clouds.
‘Tis time for communion with Christ Himself;
Not time for people or crowds.

The mornings of life are God’s times,
When silently, softly He steals,
And tenderly touches the wounds of life,
As gently, He salves and heals.

The mornings of life belong to Him;
His fire, His judgment of sin;
His hand to a heart still uncluttered
Can penetrate deeply within.

The mornings of life are meant for God;
No noon or evening will do,
Unless in the morning God Himself
Has taken hold of you,

Has taken that life you call your own
And dipped it in Calvary’s blood,
Molding and shaping another day
As only the Potter could.

So, don’t deprive God of your mornings,
But rising yet early to pray,
Place your hand in the hand of God,
And settle the course of the day.

DTM Discipleship Tape Ministries
POB 782256, San Antonio, TX 78278
1-800-375-7778 or 210-226-0000 • • © Russell Kelfer