Near His Heart

by Russell Kelfer

(There is no audio for this poem.)

Is the light of consolation
Dim amidst the troubled strife?
Has the cloud of doubt and turmoil
Cast a pall about your life?

Does there seem to be no ending
To the sea of troubled waves?
No rest amidst the storm clouds
While the tempest rants and raves?

Friend, God’s calling you to deepen
All the love you have for Him;
He’s calling for commitment
When the circumstance is grim.

For, ’tis no feat to sing His praise
When all is going well;
But deep wells of love must beckon
When you’re in a living hell.

And the grace He gives to do that
Is a depth of grace unknown
To those who never walked with Him
When others walked alone.

Is it dark? Does life seem troubled?
Does there seem no step to trod?
Rejoice, my fellow Christian…
For, you’re near the heart of God!

DTM Discipleship Tape Ministries
POB 782256, San Antonio, TX 78278
1-800-375-7778 or 210-226-0000 • • © Russell Kelfer