What Needeth God?

by Russell Kelfer

(There is no audio for this poem.)

What needeth God to please His heart?
What works need we to do our part,
That He might look with favor on
The things we do to please His Son?

Money? Gifts that show that we
Are giving sacrificially?
Or is it time; the hours we spend
That store up blessings for the end?

Oh, poor mortals that we be,
Wanting God to touch and see,
And honor us by what we do,
And grateful be for me and you.

What needeth God to please His heart?
What works need we to do our part?
Worship, worship, that’s the key!
That’s what God wants from you and me!

Adore Him! Praise Him! Gratefully
Sing, rejoicing quietly.
Gaze upon Him, see His face.
See His Son who took your place.

Thank Him, thank Him, that you’re freed.
Tell Him that He’s all you need.
Ask Him to increase your thirst,
Your desire to put Him first.

What needeth God to please His heart?
What works need we to do our part?
Worship, worship, that’s the Key.
That’s what God wants from you and me.

DTM Discipleship Tape Ministries
POB 782256, San Antonio, TX 78278
1-800-375-7778 or 210-226-0000
www.dtm.org • dtm@dtm.org • © Russell Kelfer