Over the years, we have collected some of Russell Kelfer’s lesson sets and teachings into books, e.g. the series God’s Amazing Grace, which may be used for personal study, or as a guide for group study. These have always been available by mail as bound books, and they are still available, as always, free for the asking if you call our office. (Please see our phone number and office hours below – and take a glance at our policy for any donations on our Donate page).

We have just added the first book of Russel’s poems, Follow Me! Click here or click the link below to view the poems and/or listen to him read them.

At this time, we are working to make the content of all our books viewable online, but for now, we simply list them below. If a title is underlined, you can click it to view its contents. There are also boldfaced underlined titles which are a set of lessons in a series, (any of which are still accessible via our main Library page,) but these have “Highlights” (quotations) taken from each lesson in the book, plus a link to read the lesson transcript, and a link to listen to Russell teach the lesson.

We pray that God will richly bless you as you study His Word!

Books of Lessons:

Books of Stories:

Books of Poems:

Notebook for Prayer: