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The chapters in this book are listed below. (This book is referenced in Chapter 10, Let’s Make a Prayer List, of Volume 2 of Prayer, God’s Secret Weapon, but there is no transcript or audio that goes with this book.)
Preface: My Commitment to Pray
I. Character (Praying for character rather than circumstances)
(A) The Attributes of God
(B) The Qualities of Godliness
II. Worship (Helps to begin prayer with praise)
(A) Using Scripture to Worship
(B) Learning to Personalize Worship Verses
(C) Recording My Own Daily Worship Verses
(D) Making My Book of Remembrance
III. Daily Prayer List (People and needs to pray for every day)
IV. Rotating Prayer Lists (Praying for different groups such as neighbors, co-workers, those in authority, etc.)
V. My Time With God Recorded
(A) My Daily Time Alone with God
(B) At the End of the Day
(C) Personal Stakes, Altars and Roadblocks
My Time to Talk with God is available by mail as a bound book. As always, it is free for the asking if you call our office. (Please see our phone number and office hours below – and take a glance at our policy for any donations on our Donate page). We pray that God will richly bless you as you study His Word!