The Way of Escape

by Russell Kelfer

Use the “Play” ► button above to listen to the poem:

Our God has provided a “way of escape,”
A door through which we can flee,
Lest any sin, upon entering in,
Could take and destroy you or me.

Our God knows the depth of our weakness;
He knows the deceit of our hearts.
So, He’s given us each a way of escape
To halt the disease ‘ere it starts.

All He’s asked us to do is to take it;
To make that deliberate choice,
And turning, to flee from the presence of sin
As we heed every word of His voice.

We need not look back as David did
And wonder, “Oh, where did I err?”
For had David stopped, he too would have known
That the way of escape was there.

For though God has made the provision,
The decision’s still ours; we must make it.
Yes, God has provided the way of escape,
But the choice still is ours; we must take it.

Whatever your battle, whatever the cost,
Don’t succumb to the enemy’s tool:
Run as fast as you can; take the way of escape,
Or else just admit – you’re a fool!

DTM Discipleship Tape Ministries
POB 782256, San Antonio, TX 78278
1-800-375-7778 or 210-226-0000 • • © Russell Kelfer