Appointment Denied

by Russell Kelfer

Use the “Play” ► button above to listen to the poem:

We appear before thee, Sir, this day,
With grave, intense, concern,
To ask that you appoint us to
The role for which we yearn.

We, in good conscience, Sir, have
Looked into the task,
And find ourselves quite qualified
To do the job we ask.

We’re seeking the appointment
And claim o’er all the others,
That we’re equipped to be a judge,
And thus condemn our brothers.

We’ve looked at all our talents
Compared to all the rest;
We’ve come to the conclusion
That we can pass the test.

What’s that you say — disqualified?
But Sir, I disagree!
Who on Earth could fill the roll
Of judge as well as we?

I see, forgive me, Lord,
At last I realize,
The robes belong to Jesus;
They simply aren’t my size.

Dear Lord, instead I ask Thee,
Be this my honest prayer:
Clothe me instead in servant’s garb;
Clothes meant for me to wear.

And Lord, each time I start to judge,
Just say “appointment denied”.
Remind me Lord, I’m not a judge.
I’m just not qualified!

DTM Discipleship Tape Ministries
POB 782256, San Antonio, TX 78278
1-800-375-7778 or 210-226-0000 • • © Russell Kelfer