The Battle Is Not Yours
by Russell Kelfer
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Thousands and thousands of years ago,
God’s people prepared for a test,
As the Ammonites and the Moabites
Descended; destruction their quest,
But Jehoshaphat saw the problem,
And we read from God’s precious Word,
That “Jehoshaphat prepared a fast
And prepared to seek the Lord.”
And all the people, young and old,
Gathered together that day,
And humbled themselves before the Lord
As Jehoshaphat started to pray.
He lifted his voice in remembrance,
Recalling the days of yore,
And promised that God would keep His Word
As always He’d done before.
And finally, in utter abandonment
He spoke these words so true:
“We have no might against them, Lord,
Nor know we what to do!”
Then, from the very lips of God,
There came these words sublime:
“Fear not, my precious children,
The battle’s not yours. It’s mine!
No need to fight, Beloved,
Here’s all you need to do:
Just take your place: Stand still and see,
Your God will fight for you.”
So they bowed their heads and worshipped,
And appointed men to sing;
Not to fight God’s battles,
But to let His praises ring.
Here comes the enemy, now sing!
Let every voice be raised.
God’s people start to shout and sing
And lift their hearts in praise,
And when their lips in praises sang,
Lo, then, the job was done.
God, at the sound of their voices fought,
And at once, the battle was won.
Now what about you, dear Christian,
In your heart have you seen the light?
Have yet you come to understand
The battle’s not yours to fight?
That all your precious Jesus
Is longing for you to do,
Is to “set yourself, stand still, and see
That He can live through you.”
The battle’s not ours, oh, shout it!
The battle’s not ours to win.
The battle belongs to Jesus,
And Jesus will reign from within.
Acknowledge you cannot do it,
And begin to sing and praise,
And God will begin to fight for you
As you humbly acknowledge His ways.
No, the battle’s not ours, Beloved.
The battle belongs to the Son.
The battle’s not ours, but the victory’s ours,
And the victory’s already won!
DTM Discipleship Tape Ministries
POB 782256, San Antonio, TX 78278
1-800-375-7778 or 210-226-0000 • • © Russell Kelfer