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In each one’s life there comes a time, In sunset, or in youth, When face to face his spirit comes To that soul-searching “Moment of Truth.”
To some, it may come in a time of great joy, To some, in an hour of strife; To many, it comes upon hearing the Word Or seeing it vibrant in life.
As the hands of conviction descend upon man, Though thrilling the life may have been, The fire of Calvary pierces the past In a “Moment of Truth” they see sin!
The echo of footsteps – the cry in the dark; Those events man cannot understand, Seem to point to a time when the soul is exposed And the “Moment of Truth” is at hand!
Deceptively, something says, “Someday I will,” And the light more revealing now glows, As Satanic impressions keep flooding the mind: “Will this ‘Moment of Truth’ never close?”
Then, to many, praise God, that “Moment of Truth” As billows of fire fill the soul, Means surrender to God – and union with Christ, And the blood of the Lamb makes them whole.
The fire subsides; the heart finds new joy, And an indwelling peace comes to pass. In a “Moment of Truth”, the soul found its rest And forgiveness for sins of the past.
Yet to others, this self-same “Moment of Truth” Finds its chance to redeem denied, And ears waxed closed, reveal a heart With an unwanted Savior outside.
Will another time come? We pray that it shall; Yet the soul finds no promise within That the still, small voice in that “Moment of Truth” Will ever return again.
To someone, that “Moment of Truth” we laud Is beckoning even this hour; And faintly, within that sin-scarred heart, There’s a rumbling of God’s mighty power.
In the name of our Christ, who on Calvary’s Hill Bore all of YOUR sins on that tree, I beseech you to hearken this “Moment of Truth” And forever in Him to be free.
Ceasing never to sing Hosannas to God For as long as His grace shall allow, May the Spirit proclaim, in His marvelous name, That the “Moment of Truth”… is now!