Not I

by Russell Kelfer

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“Not I,” said Paul, “I cannot do
A thing apart from Him.
Cannot you see, by simply
Knowing what I’ve been?”

“Not I”, said Joseph, “Not one dream
Can I translate for thee,
God’s the one (and you must know)
That it is not in me!”

“Not I,” said Jesus, and those words
Mean that in awe we fall.
“Without the Father,” said the Son,
“I can do naught at all!”

If Jesus, Master, Lord of life
Alone could do no thing,
What right have we to boast at all?
(Our power is in the King.)

He is our life! He is our strength!
He is our very breath.
He has the power over time;
He holds the keys to death.

He owns the sun; He rules the night;
There is no “hand of fate.”
He owns the power to humble men.
He only makes them great.

I cannot live the Christian life
As it was meant to be.
Praise God, You’ve only asked that You
Might live Your life in me.

“Not I, not I,” though plaudits come
From all the world’s acclaim.
“Not I,” for I’m unworthy but
To call upon His Name.

Oh, God, may men see only Thee
As my life goes on trial.
“Not I, but Jesus” may they see;
Then life will be worthwhile.

DTM Discipleship Tape Ministries
POB 782256, San Antonio, TX 78278
1-800-375-7778 or 210-226-0000 • • © Russell Kelfer