If It Be So, Then Why?

by Russell Kelfer

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In pain, we lash out at life’s question marks,
As through life’s dark shadows we cry.
We’ve prayed and expected, and now, somewhat dazed,
We ask, “If it be so, then, why?”

Why would that child be less
Than all I dreamed he would be?
Why would that marriage, once so serene,
Dissolve for the whole world to see?

Why would there be no security there
When I’ve prayed for riches and wealth?
Why would my body be stricken with pain
When I’ve called out to God for good health?

God, you’re my rock; you’re my shield; you’re my sword.
You’re more precious as each day goes by.
Yet, still, when my life seems to fall apart,
I cry, “If it be so, then why?”

“Oh, blessed child,” His answer resounds,
“This did not spring from My hand;
But, now, in the midst of its deadly debris,
Don’t you see, child, I have a plan.

A plan to take that child of yours
Who has so brought you grief and strife,
And turn the blows that fall upon you
Into stripes that can change your life.

A plan to take the heartache
Of that marriage I wanted to be,
And from the grief, develop a life
Where others could look, and see Me.

A plan to take the dependence
That came when you lost it all,
And turn it into a life that responds
To God’s every breath and call.”

That’s the “why”, blessed Christian,
For all life’s dark valleys we trod.
He has a plan; a beautiful plan!
And if that be why, then – praise God!

DTM Discipleship Tape Ministries
POB 782256, San Antonio, TX 78278
1-800-375-7778 or 210-226-0000
www.dtm.org • dtm@dtm.org • © Russell Kelfer