The Message of the Storm

by Russell Kelfer

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Yes, God speaks through the mountains;
He speaks through His sunlight so warm;
But, oh, His loudest voice is heard
When He speaks to man through the storm.

When the clouds hover over in darkness,
He speaks of His wisdom and glory,
And echoes the song of His coming
To fulfill and complete His great story.

And the rain whispers, “God is so faithful
To bless us and make us content;
To assure His Word will be fruitful,
To fulfill that for which it was sent.”

The hail resounds with the anger of God
And reminds us that judgment must fall;
But also it speaks of deliverance,
And cries, “There’s a refuge for all.”

The wind whispers, “I am God’s Spirit.
I am present in life’s testing hour.
But I also announce God’s miracles
And remind you of His mighty power.”

The lightning says to man, “Wake up!
I’ll come quickly and Satan will fall.”
As it streaks through the heavens, it proclaims,
“Pay attention to Me when I call.”

The thunder says, “Listen, I speak
Like a whisper o’er mountains I trod,
And the cedars of Lebanon fall at My voice,
For I am the voice of God.”

And then, at last, the rainbow sings
A song of God’s mercy and grace.
It speaks of His promise of faithfulness,
And brightens the glow on God’s face.

The storms of life have a message.
When you hear God’s thunder begin,
Worship the God of the storm clouds,
For the Master has spoken again.

DTM Discipleship Tape Ministries
POB 782256, San Antonio, TX 78278
1-800-375-7778 or 210-226-0000 • • © Russell Kelfer