Be Faithful, My Child, Be Faithful

by Russell Kelfer

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Just imagine for a moment;
Just try to visualize
That you come across the Master,
And you look into His eyes.

And as He takes you in His arms,
Your heart swells from within,
Until He asks five simple words:
“How faithful have you been?”

Can’t you imagine (just like Job)
Our surface, weak defense,
As we begin to justify
Why faith was not intense?

“Oh, Lord, I sang for you so well,
Hundreds heard my praise!”
And softly yet we hear Him say,
“How faithful were your ways?”

“Lord, I’ve preached to thousands;
My words were wrought with power!”
And softly yet we hear Him ask,
“Could not ye watch one hour?”

“Oh, Lord, my giving was so great;
I labored for the poor;
I worked and worked to gain more wealth,
That I could give the more.”

Then the Lord said nothing,
Yet His silence could be felt.
Then, as His voice so softly spoke,
My heart began to melt.

“My, child, I do not measure you
By all the things you’ve done;
Nor do I yet reward a man
For battles He has won.

I ask of all men, one thing,
And this I ask of you:
I ask, but were you faithful
In what you had to do?

Were you faithful on your knees
Day after day after day?
Not, how flowery were your prayers?
But, how faithfully did you pray?

Were you faithful on your job?
Did you remain in place?
Did you labor amidst the strife,
Knowing I’d give more grace?

Were you faithful with your family?
(They were assignment one.)
Were you as faithful to them, My child,
As I am to MY Son?

Were you faithful in little things,
Things no one else would do?
The endless tasks, the thankless tasks,
Where no glory came to you?

Were you faithfully in My Word
Line upon line upon line?
For no one unfaithful to My Word
Can be a disciple of Mine.

Be faithful, My child, be faithful
That’s what I want you to be:
Loyal, dependable, steadfast,
Remaining in place for Me.

Faithful in all the details of life,
Faithful without acclaim;
Faithful again and again and again
To all that brings praise to My name.

Be faithful, My child, be faithful
In the things that seem so small.
Be faithful, My child, and one day
Ye shall be ruler of all!”

DTM Discipleship Tape Ministries
POB 782256, San Antonio, TX 78278
1-800-375-7778 or 210-226-0000 • • © Russell Kelfer