Let This Mind Be in You

by Russell Kelfer

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“Let this mind be in you.” Do we know what that means?
How often we quote it; How trivial it seems.
Could it be possible? Could it be true?
That we don’t understand what Jesus went through?

That we really don’t grasp, that we really can’t see,
That He gave it all up for you and for me?
He humbled Himself, the Master, the King,
Willingly chose to give up everything.

And when He was asked, “Will You die for them, Son?”
He said, “I will die for the most sinful one.
There’s no price too high; I will pay the cost,
Yea, Father, I even will go – to the Cross.”

And then, with His heart still breaking in two,
He said, “Children of Mine, let this mind be in you.”
Whatever it takes; whatever the toll,
Humble yourself, and let Me take control.

“Let this mind be in you, and your heart will be free.
If you humble yourself, then they will see Me.”
May we answer, “Yea Lord, for them and their sakes,
May this mind be in me, whatever it takes.”

DTM Discipleship Tape Ministries
POB 782256, San Antonio, TX 78278
1-800-375-7778 or 210-226-0000
www.dtm.org • dtm@dtm.org • © Russell Kelfer