Pray the More

by Russell Kelfer

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Upon their knees they knelt to pray;
Another hour: another day.
Two wives with broken hearts did plead
Their errant husbands see their need.

Years went by, and still no sign
That either man The Lord did find.
Yet still not e’er a day went by
That these two faithful did not cry,

And ask their God for one day more
Than they had sought the day before.
Twenty years have come and gone,
The intercessors on and on

Have begged and pleaded for each mate,
That God would yet postpone their fate,
And in His sovereign grace advance
For their dear loved one – one more chance.

Finally, husband number one
Gave his heart to God’s dear Son.
Was it worth it? She in tears
Sobs, “Had it been fifty years

Just to see my mate in Christ,
Can there be too high a price?”
Husband number two has died,
Seemingly her prayers denied.

O’er and o’er, God touched his life,
Sent him trauma, grief, and strife.
Reeling, struggling ‘neath each blow,
Still the angry man said, “No.”

Was it worth it? She’ll reply,
“Oh, Beloved, oft’ I’d cry.
Never did My Lord not hear.
Never was My Lord not near.

No, my husband did not come –
Never did he trust the Son.
But through all the prayer and strife,
As I prayed, God changed my life.”

Either way, you cannot lose
When the path to pray you choose,
And when no answer seems in store
Oh, Beloved, pray the more!

DTM Discipleship Tape Ministries
POB 782256, San Antonio, TX 78278
1-800-375-7778 or 210-226-0000 • • © Russell Kelfer