Why Me? Why Me?
by Russell Kelfer
(There is no audio for this poem.)
Have you ever prayed, “Thy will be done.
I give my all to Thee.”
And then in times of trouble cry,
“Why me? Oh, Lord, Why me?”
I recall times of agony,
Great pain sweeping over me,
And all I could say to my Savior
Was, “Lord, Why me? Why me?”
“Surely I want Thy will to be done
I’d gladly give all to Thee.
But this endless pain that’s searing my brain?
Why me? Oh, Lord, Why me?”
Then came a glorious ray of light
Where once only clouds I could see,
A Savior dying upon a Cross
Shedding His blood for me.
Then, I saw the Master Planner, God,
Charting my destiny,
With untold blessings all prepared,
If I’d but dare to see.
Testing, trying, molding me
Into what I should be,
Allowing the problems of life to come
While I cried out, “Why me?”
Now I know not for sure when trial will come,
Or if it will ever end,
But I know there is strength to bear the trial,
And encouraging words for a friend.
So Lord, I’m yours forever!
Make me what you want me to be.
And may I but whisper when trouble comes:
“Try me, oh, Lord, try me!”
DTM Discipleship Tape Ministries
POB 782256, San Antonio, TX 78278
1-800-375-7778 or 210-226-0000
www.dtm.org • dtm@dtm.org • © Russell Kelfer