The Melody of Love

by Russell Kelfer

(There is no audio for this poem.)

So incomplete the song of life,
Its chords no comfort play,
For sadness, sickness, pain, and fear
Engulf life’s weary way.

This theme of life so dreary,
Distasteful seems to be,
And eyes find things of love and joy
More difficult to see.

Until a melody of love
We hear at least in part,
And strains of peace and mercy
Seem to penetrate the heart.

The melody: the love of God;
The music is His call.
“Come unto me, I’ll give you rest,”
He’s heard to beckon all.

This melody of love that plays
That Truth the world might know,
Was first composed upon a Cross
Two thousand years ago.

And day by day, and year by year,
Its chorus life imparts,
And God’s great melody of love
Recaptures wandering hearts.

Listen? Do you hear it?
May it never cease to play,
Until we sing with Him anew
On that triumphant day,

When all who’ve heard and sung that song
Will meet with Him above,
And, joining hands, forever sing
The melody of love.

DTM Discipleship Tape Ministries
POB 782256, San Antonio, TX 78278
1-800-375-7778 or 210-226-0000 • • © Russell Kelfer