Follow Me!
by Russell Kelfer
(There is no audio for this poem.)
“My sheep hear My voice,”
The Shepherd doth exclaim.
“I love My sheep; I know My sheep;
I call My sheep by name.
I lead them carefully with love;
By waters still they lie.
I see them when they struggle,
I hear them when they cry.
Sometimes I bid them follow Me
To pastures green to feed;
I know when that is best for them.
I know what My sheep need.
But oft’,” the Shepherd whispers,
“I must through valleys deep
Guide their tender footsteps,
And watch them as they sleep.
“But if those sheep I love so much
Will just stay near My side,
And not attempt to wander off
Through foolishness or pride,
I will be responsible
For everything they need.
All they need do is listen,
My every word to heed.
But, oh,” the Shepherd grieved explains,
“Should one My word not keep,
I will leave the multitude
Until I find that sheep.
The Good Shepherd cannot rest
Until, when life is done,
All are in the sheepfold,
Every single one.
Oh, beloved sheep of Mine,
I will set you free:
Simply listen to My voice
Simply, follow Me!”
DTM Discipleship Tape Ministries
POB 782256, San Antonio, TX 78278
1-800-375-7778 or 210-226-0000 • • © Russell Kelfer