In this series of lessons, God takes seemingly unusable people and through the miracle of His transforming power, makes them into living legends. We are going to take God's biographical…
Contentment. Probably no attitude so stands at the core of man's rebellion than the absence of contentment. What is contentment? We will look at some suggestions for maintaining a contented…
If there is any one thing the Scripture teaches that God desires of His children, it is faithfulness. He does not measure a man by how many talents he has,…
Was Adam responsible? A responsible spirit is the attitude that seeks no scapegoats in life. It is the quiet accountability for one's actions and attitudes. Instead, as we look at…
Have you ever wondered how many it takes to make a majority with God? Do you ever feel alone on your job, because you are the only Christian there? Do…
The Bible has only one message: Jesus. The Old Testament stories act out on the stage of life the story of Jesus. In this lesson, we will learn six truths…