Jesus Himself walked this Earth but never at any time departed from a position of total dependence, which is, in effect, total humility. Not even once, for a fraction of…
If, in life's little challenges, you fail constantly, take note. What will you do when the Jordan swells before you, and you have no place to go? If you have…
Though we are often ignorant of our hypocrisy and prejudices, God isn't. And so, in love, He reassigns us. The job goes sour, and we end up in a little…
Can you set God free to be Himself without limitations? Go where the dying are, the lonely are, the crippled are, the weeping are. As you go, listen carefully. I…
Time alone with God not only renews our strength, it renews our realization that we can do nothing apart from Him. So we enter again into His rest where we…
What must we do? the Jewish people asked. Literally, the meaning is: "What precisely is God wanting us to do, and how do we do it?" Oh, what a powerful…
The Pharisees logical question was "who taught this guy?" How could a simple carpenter who had never been to their rabbinical school have an understanding of the Scriptures that literally…