In this study, we go back to Philippians chapter two, and look at the next step downward Jesus took for us. It says very simply, "He made Himself of no…
Jesus said, "Whoever wants to become great among you must become your servant, and whoever wants to be first must be your slave." The truly great in the Kingdom will…
In the truest sense, you have no rights. God owns you. He can do with you whatever He wants, whenever He wants, for however long He wants. When trials come,…
In this lesson, we pursue the next aspect of the life of a slave, how he goes about serving those his master sends him to serve. There are several passages…
This lesson was renumbered out of the series The Mind of Christ and into Miscelaneous and Fictional Stories as 305A, No More Rooms. « Previous lesson: 1304BNext lesson: 1305B »
What is humility? We can best define humility by looking at the life of Jesus. Never once did He act independently of the Father, instead He chose a life of…