The New Testament church was not characterized by programs, but by power. It was that amazing thing called grace that enabled a band of nobodys - who had nothing but…
Abigail was the portrait of an intercessor. Being willing to stand in the gap for her foolish husband, Nabal, we see Abigail as a living legend that serves as an…
Jehu was a little-known king of Israel. Through this one unheralded hero, Jehovah overturned generations of witchcraft, immorality and disobedience to His laws. All he possessed was a record of…
Micaiah was a prophet of the Lord. He stood alone in speaking God's truth to the people regardless if what he said went against popular opinion. He was a man…
God has a way of meeting His people's needs, and often it is through other people. God used Barzillai to provide for the needs of King David while he was…
Many times we read of children who grew up in a wicked environment with ungodly parents, but by God's grace there would rise up a man or woman whose heart…
Elizabeth was a woman of faith and humility. She, like Abraham, had enough faith to believe that "what God has promised, He is also able to perform." She waited for…
Jochebed was a Hebrew woman who refused to obey the Pharaoh's edict to drown her child. Instead, she hid her child as long as she could and finally put him…