You are an autobiography in the making. No one else is made exactly like you. You have been given specific gifts and talents. Nothing you have experienced is accidental or…
The call to discipleship was the heart of Jesus' ministry. His message was simple. Come to the Cross. Die. Let the Living God have His way in your life. The…
Jesus set the example for us to follow as servants. Just as He led His small band of disciples in servanthood by washing their feet, so He calls us to…
What is the balanced Christian life? It is a series of choices to obey God. We choose to obey that which the Scripture teaches. We also choose to acknowledge that…
In our first look at God's nature, we will look at His supremacy: that aspect of His being that so sets Him apart from man that comparisons with man become…
Power! We see God's power at work in nature all around us in hurricanes, tornadoes, the very sun rising in the morning. God never gets tired. He never gets weary.…