We attempt in this lesson to condense our whole study of the Beatitudes into one last review, seeing how all of the Beatitudes are woven and interlocked together to make…
This is the first in a series of messages about sensitizing the Church to minister to those who are hurting. In future lessons, we will look at ministering to those…
As we look at the familiar portion of Scripture that deals with the death of Lazarus, we see Jesus as our model of sensitivity in the midst of grief. Jesus'…
In this lesson we will look at a particular part of the Body that God cares a great deal about - children, in particular hurting children. God intends for us…
Hurting hearts in hurting homes is the subject of this lesson. We will be spending much time in Genesis, chapters 1-3, because to get to the root of hurting marriages,…
This lesson is about "Late-life Leprosy". It is about the elderly of our day, who simply because they are old, have often been separated, treated as untouchable, devoid of love…
This study is about the people the world calls "handicapped" - people God calls "blessed". These are the people that Jesus took the time to minister to and love. This…
In our last lesson, we asked ourselves ten questions concerning the handicapped. In this lesson, we are going to do three things. We are going to turn those questions into…