How desperate are you to be pure in heart? Are you desperate enough to desire spiritual surgery? Spiritual surgery is the process of seriously dealing with disease or deformity that…
What would you do if you knew of a plan that would bring peace to the world, peace to broken marriages, and peace to every troubled family? God has given…
We are all, as Christians, ambassadors for Jesus Christ placed in strategic places all over the world. It is our job to tell of God's peace plan to others. It…
How do we become the witnesses we were meant to be? Where are we to go? The Scripture teaches that each of us has been strategically placed as witnesses in…
What constitutes a testimony? It is through sharing our personal testimony that we can, in a non-threatening way, share the gospel with others. Paul's testimony was central in the New…
Peace, heart peace, inner peace, what is it? In this lesson we will look at that inner peace in four ways. We will look at the entrance of inner peace…
The world is looking at the church of Jesus Christ, and you and I are what they see. Will they see hands only calling attention to hands? Will they see…
The world pits each man against the other, which results in conflict. God places men and women over one another for harmony, so that peace may ensue. Why is submission…