What God wants from you and me today is for us to crave that kind of intimacy with Him more than our necessary food, as the Scripture says. Spiritually, He…
There is a simple acronym to help us remember a solution to getting spiritually hungry. The solution is EAT. In this lesson we will learn what each of these letters…
Mercy is not a saccharine-sweet sentimentality that weeps and considers its job done. Mercy gets actively involved in rendering aid to the person in need, as in the parable of…
Mercy has a purpose. It is the meeting of physical and emotional needs to give opportunity for the meeting of spiritual needs. Ultimately, Jesus did not come to clothe or…
In this lesson, we are going to follow Jesus. We will superimpose our circumstances upon His responses and see if in some supernatural way God might communicate to us the…
Once again in this lesson, we will follow Jesus and see how He shows compassion to those around Him. God is waiting to give us that kind of compassion in…