God still rewards obedience. We will not only receive rewards in this life, but there is a reward platform in heaven that you and I will come before one day.…
God has given us ample illustrations of obedience in nature and in His Word. God has convinced us through His Word that of ourselves we cannot obey. We do not…
God expects us to reject counsel, instruction and relationships that encourage disobedience. There are those who would have us set up other gods such as success, money, or acceptance; but…
In the second part of our lesson concerning receiving instruction, we will look at eight things to consider in the ones who give us counsel. We are to look at…
God's perfect motive for obeying is to please and serve one another as a means of expressing love. This is God's ultimate goal. Unfortunately, throughout our Christian lives, there will…
After looking for several weeks at the principles of obedience, our lesson contains a portrait of obedience. As we walk with Abraham up the mountain to the place of sacrifice,…
How does God get our attention? Oftentimes, it is through tests, and the response He is looking for is obedience. However, there are numerous ways to be tested. Just as…