1342B: The Tempter Came

May 4, 1997

1342B: The Tempter Came

The tempter came. What a simple statement. That is his profession, It is his underlying purpose for living. It is a reflection of the deception that dominates his every thought. He lives to tempt you and me. He lives to trick us by dangling before us something that either appears good (but isn't), or by luring us with something that appeals to the senses, hoping that we will take the bait, bite on the lure, and be snatched into his basket of captives, out of the reach of our Rescuer. Of course, we never get out of the reach of the One who lives to make intercession for us. But again, Satan the deceiver, has deceived himself, so he doesn't realize that. Again and again we see that his one purpose in existing is to get at God, and because he cannot touch God Himself, he pursues his next best option, God's children.

Read lesson: 1342B