1316A: Whatever It Takes

June 7, 1992

1316A: Whatever It Takes

We were created by God to be wholly His. We were re-created in Christ to be wholly His as well. Until and unless we daily renew that transfer of the reins of our lives to the living God, we are fools. Every day we must die to life as we know it, and live unto life in the spirit realm. Every day we must die to material possessions and live for eternal rewards. Every day we must give up our claim to people and relationships and cling to our relationship with Him. Every day we must die to our quest for approval and live only to be accepted in the beloved. Every day we must be willing to die for the faith, and even beyond that, be willing to die, period - if this is God's will for us. And to take it one step further, we must be willing to live as long as He wants us to, because He knows best, and He gives us grace day by day so long as He leaves us here. In other words, every day without fail, we simply must die. We must go before our God and pray, "Lord, whatever it takes."

Read lesson: 1316A