1216B: Dear Tim: I Was Shown Mercy

August 28, 1988

1216B: Dear Tim: I Was Shown Mercy

Who was this man Paul? What right did he have to teach Timothy? In this lesson we will look at what Paul says about his own life and ministry. First, he takes young Timothy back to the days of the former Paul, before he met the Lord. Paul tells us about the law and how the law was to be a mirror to reflect God and pointed him to the need for God's grace. It was God's grace and mercy that brought Paul to God. It was also God who could take one who was a blasphemer, persecutor, and violent and make him an apostle. As Paul says: He "was shown mercy, so that in me, the worst of sinners, Christ Jesus might display His unlimited patience as an example for those who would believe on Him and receive eternal life." Paul never forgot that who he was was only due to the mercy of God.

Read lesson: 1216B