1120A: How Would You Like to Be Like a Tree?

August 30, 1998

1120A: How Would You Like to Be Like a Tree?

This lesson is the first in a series of lessons on "making the spiritual switch". "Making the spiritual switch" is the Christian's responsibility to take that which exists in the physical realm and use it to teach and to learn the things of the Spirit. Few elements of nature play a larger part in Scripture than do trees. Over 300 times in the Bible, God speaks of trees or the product of trees or the uses of trees. Let's imagine that you have a yard full of beautiful trees. Every morning you go out to spend time with God and worship. What can God say to you through the Scriptures each time you see a tree? Examine with us the many truths that can be taught to us by God's Spirit through his creation.

Read lesson: 1120A