Summary (quote by Russell Kelfer):
“The problem is that many of us, if not most of us, as Christians, simply do not live a life of constant praise. We are affected by our emotions and we are affected by our circumstances. There are those of us who can only be thankful when we feel thankful. To be thankful in the midst of adverse circumstances—this makes no sense to us at all, because man’s perspective of thanksgiving is that thanksgiving is a demonstration of gratitude for something one believes to be worth being thankful for. If we don’t feel thankful or don’t have something tangible that appears worth being thankful for, then what do we do? God has given us a clear answer in Scripture.”
The chapters in this book are listed below. Click the “view” link to read its transcript. Click the “play” audio button to hear Russell teach the lesson. Click “Questions for discussion” to see study questions for the lesson.
1. In Everything Give Thanks (#965A)
View the lesson transcript.
Use the “Play” ► button below to listen to the lesson:
Questions for discussion
1- How do emotions and circumstances affect the ability to be thankful?
2- What is meant by the words unruly, feebleminded and weak? How are these people to be treated?
3- Why is it especially important for Christian leaders to be patient?
4- Christians are admonished to “rejoice evermore” and to “pray without ceasing”. How is that possible?
5- What is the significance of using “in” everything give thanks, rather than “for”.
6- How does one receive the power to obey these seemingly impossible commands?
7- How does viewing life from God’s perspective differ from that of the world and one who uses God for his own ends?
8- Discuss God’s goal of demonstration, transformation and multiplication and how it applies to every situation.
9- What is the ultimate goal regarding God in giving thanks?
2. Just Because He Is (#965B)
View the lesson transcript.
Use the “Play” ► button below to listen to the lesson:
Questions for discussion
1- What do you remember about your conversion?
2- What is the key to a life of continuous thanksgiving?
3- What happens when we measure the love of God by our own experience?
4- What are the benefits of God’s unconditional love to you personally?
5- Man says, “I don’t love you any more,” or “I made a mistake – I never really loved you.” How long does God’s love last?
6- How does our obedience fit into the love of God?
7- If we understand God’s love, is there ever a time when we should be afraid? Are you ever afraid?
8- Reflect on the trials God allowed Satan to inflict on Job. How did Job come to the point of praising God?
9- How will you use the Scriptures on the character of God to make every day Praise Day?
3. When Last Did You Visit the Hill? (#966A)
View the lesson transcript.
Use the “Play” ► button below to listen to the lesson:
Questions for discussion
1- Do you consider giving thanks an option or a command? How does your answer affect your life?
2- What is the one thing you can always be thankful for, regardless of circumstances?
3- The human heart wonders why Jesus, Who was sinless, had to die. What is Jesus’ answer?
4- What question did Jesus ask Peter, James and John when He found them asleep? What do you think He was feeling? How do you think the apostles felt?
5- Are you able to pray, “Father, what’s the best thing for you to do in order to glorify Your name,” and accept His answer? Sometimes? Always?
6- What would have happened if Jesus had not prayed, “…not as I will, but as you will.”?
7- When last did you visit the Hill? Why do you need to?
4. Praise for the Planner; Praise for the Plan (#966B)
View the lesson transcript.
Use the “Play” ► button below to listen to the lesson:
Questions for discussion
1- Why is learning to praise for past experiences a difficult subject?
2- What does Scripture teach about the sovereignty of God? What is the significance of that in your life?
3- What is the difference in the perfect will of God and the permissive will of God? What is Satan’s role in life experiences? How is he limited?
4- When does one acknowledge that “we are God’s and we are His to do with as He chooses”?
5- How does God use physical things to accomplish spiritual purposes?
6- Russell states that everything that God has ever allowed to happen to you has been a part of His plan for your life. Is that difficult for you to believe? Why?
7- Can you see how your life experiences are accomplishing God’s goal of conforming you to His image, giving you a testimony, and giving you a ministry?
8- How will this lesson encourage you to praise the planner and the plan?
5. Praise From a Prison (#967A)
View the lesson transcript.
Use the “Play” ► button below to listen to the lesson:
Questions for discussion
1- Why did Paul go to Macedonia? How do the facts about Philippi set the stage for what happens?
2- What got Paul into trouble? What was the result for the slave woman? For Paul?
3- Who heard Paul and Silas singing praises?
4- When does God choose to deliver someone from “prison experiences”?
5- How did Paul’s Roman citizenship play a role in this drama?
6- Prison is a place of confinement. What are some long-term prison experiences? Short-term?
7- In life’s prison experiences, when should you begin to praise? Why?
8- How is the Word used to be able to praise God “in everything”?
6. Thanksgiving of the Heart (#967B)
View the lesson transcript.
Use the “Play” ► button below to listen to the lesson:
Questions for discussion
1- Why should there never be a time when we say, “I have nothing to be thankful for”? Name some of the things we usually take for granted.
2- Discuss the definition of resentment and contentment. What does I Timothy say about contentment?
3- What has God promised us on this earth? What do we deserve?
4- Does comparing ourselves with others lead to contentment or discontentment? Why?
5- Is it customary to be content with a lower standard of living than you have always enjoyed? How does that sometimes affect newly married couples?
6- How do you change your mindset to develop a life of thanksgiving? How long does it take?
7- Review the practical steps to developing thanksgiving of the heart.
7. Some Golden Daybreak, Thanksgiving Will Come (#968A)
View the lesson transcript.
Use the “Play” ► button below to listen to the lesson:
Questions for discussion
1- How did Richard Ferguson’s thanksgiving list differ from members of the Erickson family?
2- How was he able to be thankful for things he didn’t actually possess?
3- What is the difference in the world we live in and the world we live for?
4- Which of the promises that Heaven holds appeals to you the most — no hunger or thirst, a mansion, a new body, no crying…? Would your answer differ from those living in other parts of the world?
5- Who are the people you are most looking forward to seeing in Heaven? Do you have a list?
6- Are you anticipating the crown laid up for you? What are the words you are hoping to hear from Jesus?
7- How can the trials of this life be turned into praise?
8. Praise Him! (#968B)
View the lesson transcript.
Use the “Play” ► button below to listen to the lesson:
Questions for discussion
1- What is the difference in gaining knowledge and wisdom?
2- What is the danger in gaining knowledge and understanding and not gaining wisdom?
3- What is the will of God as revealed in I Thessalonians 5?
4- As the lessons in this series were reviewed, did you find that you had forgotten them or put them into practice?
5- Discuss the suggestions for turning knowledge into wisdom regarding praise. Which ones appeal to you? Which ones will you commit to do?
6- Now that you know the will of God concerning praise, what is your response?
In Everything Give Thanks is available by mail as a bound book. As always, it is free for the asking if you call our office. (Please see our phone number and office hours below – and take a glance at our policy for any donations on our Donate page). We pray that God will richly bless you as you study His Word!