So What Are You Doing New Year’s?

by Russell Kelfer

(There is no audio for this poem.)

So what are you doing New Year’s?
What plans have you made thus far?
Planning on buying another house,
Or maybe a shiny car?

Maybe you’re planning to make your mark,
At last, to be better known.
Or is it the top of your goals for the year
To make sure your investments have grown?

What are you doing New Year’s?
Planning to live the good life,
Doing whatever it takes to succeed,
Avoiding rejection and strife?

Satan can give you that kind of year –
If those are your goals you can know,
That you can come to December next,
With wood, hay, and stubble to show.

But you’ll have nothing eternal
Nothing that really will last,
You can just watch your life go by,
Till another year has passed.

Or you can study Jesus,
As that ugly cross appeared,
And view with awe the life He lived,
As death and anguish neared.

The hours He spent with the Father,
So often, yet long before day,
He’d steal away to a quiet place
Where He could watch and pray.

And He gave His life to people –
He poured it into a few,
Then He opened His life to the many,
That they might be transformed too.

And He took the form of a servant
And humbly accepted His call.
God added, “Wouldst Thou be great, My Son?
Then Thou must be servant of all.”

Then as Calvary’s crisis beckoned
He prayed, “Thy will be done.”
He left the results to the Father,
For He and the Father were one.

So were our Savior’s final months –
No banners of triumph unfurled,
He simply did the Father’s will,
And thus He changed the world.

This could be the year of His coming
The year when His trumpets sound,
This could be the year He calls us home
Where naught but His glory surround.

So what kind of New Year will you have?
Will you by His coming be blessed?
Live it as though it were your last,
And it surely will be your best.

DTM Discipleship Tape Ministries
POB 782256, San Antonio, TX 78278
1-800-375-7778 or 210-226-0000 • • © Russell Kelfer