In Everything Give Thanks
by Russell Kelfer
(Click the Play button to hear Russell read the poem)
“In everything give thanks,” it says;
What a strange command.
What have I to thank Him for
As in prayer I stand?
I don’t have a fancy car –
Like my neighbor does.
Haven’t been promoted –
Like my brother was.
Haven’t had good health to claim;
Seems I’m always sick.
When folks look for beauty,
I’m not the one they pick.
“Give thanks, good grief, for what?” you cry!
“I have naught to see.”
Softly then the Savior whispers,
“Just give thanks – for Me.”
And when you do, remember,
As Jesus’ praise you sing,
One refrain you oft repeat,
“He is everything!”
“Give thanks for Me,” He answers.
You’ll discover it’s true,
That when the Savior died,
He gave all He is – to you.
Give thanks, oh child, from morn ’til night,
Till heaven’s trumpets ring.
Praise your God for Jesus,
He IS everything.
DTM Discipleship Tape Ministries
POB 782256, San Antonio, TX 78278
1-800-375-7778 or 210-226-0000 • • © Russell Kelfer