How Would You Like to Start Over?

by Russell Kelfer

(Click the Play button to hear Russell read the poem)

How would you like to start over –
One more time to begin again?
Seeing the door to God’s fullness,
And with confidence entering in.

Laying aside the weights and the sins
That have plagued you down through the years.
Building an altar and once and for all,
Forgetting the guilt and the fears.

Rebuilding the tattered, broken walls,
The disciplines left undone,
Rearranging the goals in your life,
Till God’s goals and yours are as one.

How would you like to say today,
“I’m going to make a fresh start?
I’m going to seek to love the Lord
My God with all my heart.”

“I’m going to seek without excuse,
To faithfully as I labor,
Begin to have eyes at last to see,
Who really is my neighbor.”

So we cry, “Lord I want to start over
And I think now I know the way.
But Lord, what’s the secret to doing it?”
And He answers, “Begin today.”

“Go home and get alone with Me,”
The Master calls within,
“For, Beloved, the day that is known as today
Will never be yours again.”

So, dear child, if you’d like to start over,
And all of those hindrances sever,
Then drive in a stake, a decision to make
And begin living – forever!”

DTM Discipleship Tape Ministries
POB 782256, San Antonio, TX 78278
1-800-375-7778 or 210-226-0000 • • © Russell Kelfer