The Glory of His Presence
by Russell Kelfer
Use the “Play” ► button above to listen to the poem:
Oh, to stand beneath that mountain
Where God’s children were amazed,
Where, at Moses’ firm commandment,
They but stood in awe and gazed.
As the thunder of His Presence
Shook the very mountain’s sod,
And the lightning filled the heavens
As they heard the trump of God.
Louder, louder, still it’s anthem,
Louder, louder, still it rang.
Louder, louder, cried the trumpets,
‘Till the courts of Heaven sang!
And the Glory of His Presence
In a cloud formed overhead,
The mountain raged with flames of fire
Just as the Scripture said.
Oh, how marvelous His Presence,
Oh, how awesome is His power.
Oh, the brilliance of His glory
As it filled the skies that hour.
But, ah, my friend, that glory
Was not just for ages past
Nor was it but a symbol
Of a power that would not last.
For the marvel of His Presence
In its splendor still is there;
And the glory of His power
Still remains for us to share.
If we, like Moses, spend the time
Within the quiet place,
‘Till the glory of His Presence
Even shines forth from our face,
And we, then, become more like Him
As we see Him day by day,
And we, then reflect His Presence
To the men who pass our way.
‘Till we seek that golden morning
When, at last, set free from sin,
We shall see Him as He really is –
(And we’ll be just like Him.)
Will we be at home when that time comes?
At last, the secret’s known.
It may well depend on how much time
We’ve spent with Him, alone!
DTM Discipleship Tape Ministries
POB 782256, San Antonio, TX 78278
1-800-375-7778 or 210-226-0000 • • © Russell Kelfer