There are two ways to give:

(1) The easiest way to donate to Discipleship Tape Ministries (DTM) is through PayPal using a credit card or PayPal account. Please note that a Paypal account is NOT required to use this service. To donate to DTM using Paypal, click this link:

(2) Or you may donate by sending a check through the mail. Please make your check payable to “Discipleship Tape Ministries” or “DTM” and mail to:

Discipleship Tape Ministries, POB 782256, San Antonio, Texas 78278

Thank you, and may God richly bless you!

Our policy for donations:

We believe that God brought this ministry into being – and He has continued to sustain it for over 40 years.

One purpose of this ministry is to distribute materials on practical spiritual growth to anyone with the desire to grow closer to the Lord. We have always distributed these materials without charge, and will continue to do so. We also believe that the ministry should remain debt-free, and that at no time should we solicit anyone for funds. We will watch Him provide for our needs and give Him the glory!

All operations are made possible by the contributions of those led by the Spirit to give. We will never share your personal information with anyone else. All gifts are deeply appreciated, always receipted, and are entirely tax deductible because we are a certified non-profit 501(c)(3) corporation.